Quality Classes: Simplify Your Roofing Selection for Enduring Durability
Ruukki Quality Classes have been developed to simplify the selection of roofing solutions, ensuring overall quality and durability. With our diverse selection, you’ll find the perfect fit for every building and operational requirement. Our unique quality class brands guarantee that our products are engineered and manufactured to endure even the most challenging conditions for decades.

Quality Class 50 Plus
Quality Class 50 Plus: The pinnacle of durability and design in the market, boasting an extended 50-year Ruukki warranty. Simply the best available.
- Technical warranty: 50 years
- Aesthetical warranty: 25 years
- Surface: matte/ glossy

Quality Class 40
Quality Class 40: Offers exceptional product value, making it a savvy choice for any need and location.
- Technical warranty: 40 years
- Aesthetical warranty: 15 years
- Surface: matte

Quality Class 30
Quality Class 30: An affordable and dependable option for everyday roofing needs.
- Technical warranty: 30 years
- Aesthetical warranty: 10 years
- Surface: matte / glossy